CONFIRMED! Skojec & Hickson Are DAMN LIARS! Admit They LIED About Fatima Secret!

It must be lent and Skojec & Hickson are doing damage control.

This is the only blog to call out Skojec/Hickson/Dollinger for what they are...LIARS!

Snakes too.

All three are spreading the lie that the unpublished third secret is about a bad mass and bad council.

All three snakes claim that Pope Benedict said that the unpublished third secret is about a bad mass and bad council.

This is a lie.

Pope Benedict never said that.

Now the three snakes are backing off of their original lie:
On 15 May 2016, Dr. Ingo Dollinger, a saintly priest and long-time friend of then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, had confirmed to us that Cardinal Ratzinger – shortly after the 26 June 2000 publication of the Third Secret of Fatima – had admitted to him that one part of that secret was still not published.

Cardinal Ratzinger had told Dr. Dollinger that there is still a part of the Third Secret of Fatima missing and not yet officially published. 
Ratzinger told him: ‘What we have published is not the whole secret. [‘Was wir veröffentlicht haben, ist nicht das ganze Geheimnis.’]
Where in this Hickson post in there anything about a bad mass & bad council?

Where is it?


Now the DAMN LIARS are claiming that  Ratzinger said that part of the third secret is unpublished.

Nothing about bad mass nad bad council

Here read what I accused these three snakes of in one of my many posts:

Originally Published Tuesday, August 9, 2016:
Maike Hickson IS A LIAR: Hickson Backing Away From Her Claims That Unpublished Part Of The Third Secret Of Fatima Contains Warning Of Bad Mass & Bad Council?
What gives?

Latest from Hickson on Fatima looks like she is distancing herself from the claim that the unpublished third secret contains warning of bad mass and bad council.


If you remember that is exactly what Fr. Dollinger claimed Cardinal Ratizinger told him what was in the secret: warning of a bad mass & bad council.
Not long after the June 2000 publication of the Third Secret of Fatima by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger told Fr. Dollinger during an in-person conversation that there is still a part of the Third Secret that they have not published! “There is more than what we published,” Ratzinger said. He also told Dollinger that the published part of the Secret is authentic and that the unpublished part of the Secret speaks about “a bad council and a bad Mass” that was to come in the near future. Father Dollinger 15 May 2016
Hickson says that Father gave me permission to publish these facts on this High Feast of the Holy Ghost and he gave me his blessing.

Pope Benedict denies what the Hickson/Dollinger/Skojec Axis claims:
Communiqué: on various articles regarding the “Third Secret of Fatima” Several articles have appeared recently, including declarations attributed to Professor Ingo Dollinger according to which Cardinal Ratzinger, after the publication of the Third Secret of Fatima (which took place in June 2000), had confided to him that the publication was not complete. In this regard, Pope emeritus Benedict XVI declares “never to have spoken with Professor Dollinger about Fatima”, clearly affirming that the remarks attributed to Professor Dollinger on the matter “are pure inventions, absolutely untrue”, and he confirms decisively that “the publication of the Third Secret of Fatima is complete”.   
So instead of following up with Pope Benedict's accuser, Fr Dollinger, Hickson goes elsewhere for more material:
when I had asked Capovilla why none of the envelopes containing the Third Secret of Fatima which had been shown on Italian television by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone had contained the words that he had written that day, Capovilla had told me, a bit enigmatically, “Perhaps there was a second envelope.” But I stopped there. For Capovilla on that day had not clarified for me the matter of the Third Secret of Fatima. He had left it open, mysterious. And he had clearly intended to leave it so. He had intentionally led me to believe that there was something not clear about the publication of the secret or secrets — that there might even have been two different letters, with two different envelopes, with two distinct texts. But, at the same time, he had left me in the dark about what that something might be. He had clearly had some hesitation about speaking definitively on the subject of the letter, as if he had been asked not to do so by some higher authority. As I had understood him, he was hinting to me that there did exist some other version of the Third Secret, a version different from the one that was revealed and published, but he would not say so clearly and categorically. Dr. Robert Moynihan.
Problem with Moynihan's account? No mention of what's contain in the unpublished part of the Third Secret of Fatima - no mention of a bad mass and bad council.

What gives?

Is Hickson backing herself away from what Dollinger claims to be in the unpublished part of the Third Secret of Fatima?  - mention of a bad mass and bad council?

I guess the Hickson/Dollinger/Skojec Axis can't prove that unpublished part of the Third Secret of Fatima contains mention of a bad mass and bad council, which means, Fr. Dollinger is lying and by default so is Hickson & Skojec.

Again. Hickson/Dollinger/Skojec are liars.

Question for you three. What Mass Did Sr. Lucy attend

1. The Good Mass (Latin Mass)?


2. The Bad Mass (New Mass)?

LOL! Damn Liars!


  1. Steve Skojec's brainlessness never ceases to impress me. Someone should do a CT scan of the man's head and see if there's anything here.

    As for "Dr." Hickson, her husband spends his spare time writing articles for the Saint Benedict Center. Can't he exert his headship and make sure that his wife joins him in such constructive activities instead of becoming a shill for Skojec?

    Voris is to Niles as Skojec is to M. Hickson. You heard it here first. When the meltdown occurs, thank me. =)


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