Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP) Gun Culture Kills Another Priest: Gun Enthusiast Fr. Evan Harkins Blows His Brains Out.....

Guns Owned By Priests of FSSP 
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne 
5035 Rainbow Blvd., Westwood, KS 66205

Following post from 2018 on the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter FSSP Gun Culture:


Another Gun Enthusiast/Priest killed himself with his own gun:

Priest involved in suicide near St. James Church

An official with the Catholic Diocese of Kansas City and St. Joseph confirmed a priest died by suicide Tuesday morning on St. James Church property.

Jeremy Lillig, communications director for the Catholic Diocese of Kansas City and St. Joseph, said the Rev. Evan Harkins took his own life. According to Lillig, Harkins did not show up for morning Mass.

He added that a communication will be sent out to parents who have children in the school.

St. Joseph police responded to a shooting call at the location Tuesday morning. According to Captain Jeff Wilson of the St. Joseph Police Department, the incident occurred in a "private area."

A News-Press NOW reporter on scene saw uniformed police officers and detectives enter the rectory, which is adjacent to the main church entrance off King Hill Avenue.

Wilson said the neighboring school was never in danger.

An all-city Mass including students from the city's Catholic schools scheduled for Wednesday at LeBlond High School has been postponed.

According to Harkins' LinkedIn page, he served as a parochial administrator for St. Patrick's church in addition to his role as pastor at St. James. He also served as an administrator for St. Rose of Lima in Savannah.

Harkins had served as a pastor at St. James beginning in 2012, according to the church's website.

"In the face of this devastatingly tragic news, we ask that you pray for Fr. Harkins, his family, and the parish and school communities that he served as well as all of our priests," the diocese said in a statement. "We will communicate further as we are able." Source

Strange thing occurred 

Rev. Evan Harkins regularly attended Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FFSP) retreats at Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles in Gower, Missouri.

Eyewitness account Fr. Harkins's bizarre behavior as told by the Abbess:

He arranged and attended a monthly priest gathering at our retreat house, and he was just on a private retreat here at our monastery last week... he had begun suffering from certain panic and anxieties over things that would never had bothered him before. The Sisters who interacted with him at the retreat house could sense that he just wasn’t himself, as did our chaplain who was able to speak to him at greater length Source

That makes two dead priests killed by the FSSP gun culture.

Awhile back a reader of this blog asked me to tell him more about the FSSP culture.....

I guess some dead Traditional Priests chose to ignore the traditional Canon 138....

Canon 138. Clerics must abstain from all things that are unbecoming arts; not play games of chance with money; not carry weapons, unless there is justified cause for fear; not indulge in hunting and never in that kind of hunting that is done with much display and publicity; not visit saloons and places of the same nature except in cases of necessity for any other just cause approved by the Ordinary
