Trump Supporter Steven Anthony Shields Claims He Is On A Mission From God Admits To Ramming Minivan Into Queen Of Peace Catholic Church And Setting It On Fire

Thug Brother?

Probably a pissed off FSSP Parishioner


Declares himself THE in the Great Monarch

Probably owns the book - rules for retrogrades..

During questioning, Shields, who smelled of gasoline, allegedly admitted to setting the church foyer on fire. He indicated that he targeted the Catholic Church because of a “mission,” the report says. Shields told deputies about problems he had with the Catholic Church and mentioned several Biblical references to the Book of Revelations and Bible scripture. He described his actions as “awesome” and smiled and laughed while talking about the incident, stating that he was the “king,” the report says. Shields allegedly told deputies that he had realized his “mission” Sunday morning and drove to a nearby gas station to purchase the gas. He acknowledged seeing a woman in the church foyer during the incident and indicated she had asked him if he was OK after he drove through the doors, the report says. Marion County firefighters enter the fire-damaged Queen of Peace Catholic Church on State Road 200 in Ocala on Saturday morning. The front lobby area of the Queen of Peace Catholic Church was damaged Saturday morning after Steven Anthony Shields allegedly slammed his vehicle into the building and lit it on fire. Shields also allegedly indicated that he has been diagnosed with Schizophrenia and is not currently taking his medication.

More violent thuggish behavior:

Shields is no stranger to the Marion County legal system. In October 2019 he was arrested after a woman claimed he wanted to murder her. She told sheriff’s deputies that Shields had swung a crowbar at her twice before telling her to lie on the ground to she could hit her on the head and kill her. Shields admitted that he wanted to “kill her because she was a ‘stupid (expletive deleted),’” a report states, adding that he was charged with assault with intent to commit a felony. Source


  1. Shame on you for diminishing these crimes by leading your headline with, and further posting, his political affiliation when nowhere else in your story. or any other story I have read, does it state that this was a contributing factor. Yours is a perfect example of the kind of reprehensible selective reporting that is dividing this country. This is not about politics but about a troubled young man and the crimes he committed.

    1. Steven Anthony Shields is a republican.....see above

    2. Peter S - I have seen several facebook pages and comment sections of news articles where posters have claimed, without any basis, that he must be a liberal, a democrat, and a BLM protester. There are no posters arbitrarily accusing him of being a right winger or conservative republican. There is no shame in setting the record straight with fact. You can stop your fake virtue signaling when it benefits your party.

  2. Is that intended as a self-proving argument, dxv515? See "logical fallacies."

    1. no. its a fact shields is a registered republican...why can't you accept that?

      Its like all of you Trump supporters believe that a Trump supporter never commits sin never breaks any of the ten commandments - and if he does well then he is no true Trump supporter etc...

      Hey what religion is Trump?

    2. YOU are trying to put a political spin on this, you and the author of this article. Mr. Shields is a Republican, maybe he likes UF football, wears Nikes, and has goldfish. None of those things is relevant to the fact that he's a schizophrenic who may have gone off his meds and attacked a church because he heard voices. By making this about politics, we are not making it about mental health! There is blood on everybody's hands, even mine because I'm here arguing with you. And FYI I am neither a Trump supporter nor a Republican.

  3. Obama is an orangutanJuly 13, 2020 at 9:26 AM

    Only a Democrat would would still be using something as outdated as blogger. Didn't even know it still existed lol. Oh well, enjoy the next 4 years of butthurt. Trump 4eva.

    1. I don't vote. lol!

      Hey do you believe that those who voted for Trump never sin?


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