Gloria TV: Lao Tse’s Teaching About The Papacy


Lao Tse’s Teaching About the Papacy

Francis knows that he is a usurper and reveals it by unmistakable signs, the prominent Italian journalist Maurizio Blondet writes. The first sign is that Francis doesn’t dare to sleep in the apartment where – quote – “the legitimate Popes lived” but exercises his despotism from a hotel, the Domus Santa Marta. That Francis shuns the papal residence where the presences of Pius IX, Leo XIII, Saint Pius X, Pius XII, Karol Woytyla is hovering, is for Blondet symbolic. He asks whether Francis cannot stand certain shadows that in the silence and solitude of the night could visit him. A second, even more revealing sign for Blondet is Francis’ angry and spiteful suppression of the Masses in Saint Peter’s.

Because the moderns have no understanding anymore for Holy Writ, Blondet refers to Tao Te Ching, a fundamental text of Taoism to explain the eternal truth contained in the papacy. Tao Te Ching says that during the Golden times, the people barely perceived the exsistence of their rulers who followed the principle “acting without action.” But later, they grew fond of the prince and began to adore him. Then, they started to fear him, and at the end they cursed him screeming: We will do everything ourselves. This also happened to the modern papacy.

Surprisingly, Blondet stresses that Christ is not that far away from Tao Te Ching when he says, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all the rest shall be given unto you in addition." In order to receive “everything” from Divine Providence, one has to give up on everything. One has to “act without action” – while Francis follows the concept of a despotic Pope who allegedly “cleans up” the Church.

The Chinese distinguished between the function of the emperor and his person. The function was divine. The emperor abdicated his name and started using a new one. He was something like the stationary pole star around which the starry firmament revolves. This “pontifical” function of the ruler is present in all traditional civilisations, also in the former papacy. On the self-denial of a cardinal who becomes pope depends the effectiveness of his ministry, meaning, the channel of grace, the pontifex, the bridge-builder. Lao Tse, the author of Tao Te Ching, evokes a time when the king and the pontiff were identical. Not so in the modern papacy. Blondet stresses that everyone can see now how this is different from what happens in the Vatican, where Bergoglio, the suppressor of Masses, with his junta of cardinal viveurs exercises his naked power according to the instructions of the Grand Reset.
