You're Not A Real Manly Man Rad Trad Unless You Lift Weights Walk And Around With Your Shirt Off! Timothy Gordon Re-Crossing the Tiber w/ Elliott Hulse
Elliott Hulse
Serious Rad Trad
Yeah...nothing says Manly Man Rad Trad spirituality like bouncing your man titties on YouTube...
Oh and there's the guns and cigars and whiskey and the steaks and guns and the meat and the beer and the guns and the cigars and the beard and the weights and the BBQ...
Fucking idiots...
Don't these Real Manly Rad Trad Men have wives who say to them...hey wait a minute....
I can guarantee you now that all of these Real Manly Rad Trad Men will be on the side of the Forerunner to the Antichrist and will murder the Fatima Pope and Faithful on top a steep mountain someday...
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