What Kind Of Priest Declares Laudato Si Is A Splendid Contribution To The Great Vault Of Social Doctrine Of The Catholic Church.

Laudato Si: The Cinderella Project

Did you, by chance, get to see that dazzling spectacle of Disney entitled “Cinderella”? If you didn't, you are the poorer for it. It re-imagines the timeless story with full body characters in a masterpiece of the senses. A poor, helpless girl, a victim of crushing injustice...triumphant and exulted, to become queen of the realm. Who doesn't love this story? The story is just a story, but it could be a beautiful parable for the second encyclical of the reigning Roman Pontiff, Pope Francis. Laudato Si is a splendid contribution to the great vault of social doctrine of the Catholic Church. The encyclical contains controversial passages, (paragraphs 20, 21, 22, 23) where the Holy Father presents the conclusion of some scientists that man is responsible for green house gases and global warming. Fr. Paul Nicholson Read More>>>>>
