Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter Required By Vatican To Improve Its Service Towards Souls! Must Accept SYNOD On Allowing Communion For Divorce And Remarried! Must Accept Homosexual Unions......etc......

[General House FSSP, Fribourg, 17.IX.2015] On March 27, 2014, the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter publicly announced that an Ordinary Apostolic Visitation of the whole institute would be carried out by three prelates named by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei.

Following a visitation of its houses and seminaries as well as a consultation with the local ordinaries around the world where the Fraternity works, a report with the findings and conclusions of the Visitation were sent on March 24 to the superiors of the Fraternity. The overall findings of the report were very positive, especially regarding the apostolic work and internal health of the Fraternity of St. Peter. It also included a number of suggestions which will help the Fraternity to improve in its governance, the formation of its members, and its service towards souls.

The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter would like to publicly thank the visitors and the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei for their work. Their constructive criticisms and suggestions will greatly aid our Fraternity in the continual effort to reform and improve itself.
