DOOM FOR DOME!!! Bizarre & Evil Portent For Rome! St. Peter's Dome Goes DARK!!!

“Italy will be punished for her ambition in wanting to shake off the yoke of the Lord of Lords. And so she will be left to fight a war; blood will flow on all sides. Churches will be locked up or desecrated. Priests and religious orders will be hunted down, and made to die a cruel death. Several will abandon the faith, and a great number of priests and members of religious orders will break away from the true religion; among these people there will even be bishops. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)
Remember this is only a test......
Rare darkened St. Peter's Dome greets Romans overnight
(Vatican Radio) A darkened St. Peter’s dome gave tourists and journalists a rare image on Wednesday night and Thursday morning: The famed Bernini colonnade shining brightly on its own, while the usually imposing Cupola was obscured in the background.  
The unusual sight was not due to technical problems or security concerns, but was part of a test ahead of a light show – called “Fiat Lux” – being organized for the Jubilee of Mercy.  
“The ACEA [power company] is preparing LED lighting for both the Cupola and the Via della Conciliazione [which leads to the Vatican] and are testing everything to make sure it is ready on 7 December, the eve of the Jubilee,” said Father Ciro Benedettini, the Vice-Director of the Vatican Press Office.
Dome Goes Dark.....
This Is Only A Test.......

To you silly haters of the Ancient Pagan Romans & their superstitions - I'm addressing all you foolish Latin Mass Attending Roman Catholics who think modern democracy is from God and that the Divinely Ordained Authority of the Holy Roman Emperor is man-made and that signs and portents and omens are from the pit of hell etc..that is until lightning struck the Dome of St. Peter's when Pope Benedict resigned - then of course all you pious assholes took to the Internet to post your non-pagan & of course non-superstitious opinions on what that lightening strike really meant. 

Yeah....whatever....go back to your reasoning on why you should cast a ballot for some protestant presidential candidate etc...

The lot of you trad bloggers are really dense. Yeah... how dare you look for little signs of coming destruction during the first week of Advent - you know - DOOMBS DAY!!!
