Fr. Longenecker Blames Latin Mass Attending Fundamentalists For Brussels Bombing......The Fundamentalists Did It!

Who did the Brussels bombing? According to Fr. Longnecker it was the Fundamentalists that did the Brussels Bombing killing over thirty souls.

Who is a Fundamentalist? According to Fr. Longenecker Muslim terrorist are Fundamentalist and Catholic who home schools their kids and attend a SSPX chapel is a Fundamentalist. Basically anyone is labeled a Fundamentalist by Longenecker who make Father feel inadequate and who Father hates.

You see Longernecker converted to the Vatican II and new mass Church  and not to anything Catholic prior to 1962.

Fr. Longenecker projects his own violent rage to those who are at peace attending the Latin Mass.

I'm sorry but if one is removed far the the mess that is the new mass and faithfully attends the Latin Mass daily, meditating on the Passion of Christ constantly, going to confession regularly (weekly or bi-weekly as most at Latin Mass do) one will not be full of rage. One will be at peace knowing that he escaped the shipwreck that is the Vatican II ship of fools.

No, the ones full of rage are the ones who cling to the nonsense of the new mass.


Not saying that there is evidence of new mass goer rage. That's to come.

Question for you - do you really think for a moment that when the Fatima Pope abolishes the the Vatican II nonsense & the mess that is the new mass, that these new mass goers are going to go quietly to the Latin Mass and not create any fuss? Do you really think that! LOL!

No! The ones full of rage will soon be exposed. It may be in 10 or 20 years but it will happen soon enough. These demented new mass goers like Fr. Longenecker will not give up their delusion that is the spirit of Vatican II without a fight. 

So Fr. Longernecker is just projecting his own twisted rage on those who are at peace because those who attend the peaceful Latin Mass are will God.

A word of warning.

When those who attend the Latin Mass do go to war, and we will, it will be when we have a leader - when the Holy Roman Emperor is elected and he leads us, that is when the peaceful Latin Mass attending Roman Catholics will clean up the mess that modern man has created.

We will do this legally. We will destroy all that modern man has built. God will be on our side.

Fr. Longenecker's days are numbered and he knows this but he and the rest of his ilk will not go without a fight.
