Hey Hillary White! DO You STILL Wanna Run Your Fingers Through His Hair? Knowing Now That Gary Michael Voris Is A Sodomite?

Mark Knopfler – Fade To Black Lyrics
I wonder where you are tonight
You're probably on the rampage somewhere
You have been known to take delight
In gettin' in somebody's hair
And you always had the knack
Fade to black

I bet you already made a pass
I see a darkened room somewhere
You run your finger round the rim of his glass
Run your fingers through his hair
They scratch across his back
Fade to black

Well maybe it's all for the best
But I wish I'd never been lassooed
Maybe it's some kind of test
But I wish I'd never been tattooed
Or been to hell and back
Fade to black

ewwww Gross!

Now Hillary:
I’m going to say it again: I like Mike. I consider him a friend (we have had dinners and drinks whenever we’re on the same continent and he even attended my 45th birthday party, to great hilarity all round) and I like and respect his work. I know he’s done a huge amount of good helping Catholics understand the seriousness of the crisis, and he has done some great work exposing certain prelates, in a Catholic journalistic atmosphere that is almost stifling when it comes to bishops. We don’t agree on every point, (and some of the people he works with can be a little… odd… now and then) WUWTS
That blog post was then...before Hillary knew about Gay Gary...or did she know something was amiss about Gary?

We will wait and see what her reaction is to Gary's revelation.

I hope its not another Gary's a SAINT! for outing himself blog post.

I think this is the only blog that does not defend the Sodomite Gary.

Maybe more bloggers will follow....
