Traditionalist Hypocrisy! Traditionalists Rush To The Aid Of Dave Domet Who Complained He Was Being Sued By Fr. Rosica & One Year Later Traditionalist Michael Matt Of The Remnant Threatens To Sue Fr. Longenecker!

Wow! One year later and look what's transpired....

I knew right away that when Dave Domet pleaded for help from the traditionalist blogosphere to protect him from the priest Fr. Tomas Rosica & his lawyers that things were not what they seemed.

First off noticing the shear insanity of every Latin Mass attending traditionalist blogger who jumped on board the Domet ship without thinking things through. You remember right?

On Shrove Tuesday, February 17, 2015, I received a letter from Nina Perfetto, a Litigation Solicitor with one of Toronto's most expensive law firms, Fogler Rubinoff. The threat of a lawsuit was from Father Thomas J. Rosica, a Basilian priest, Executive Producer of Salt + Light Television, Consultor to the Pontifical Council on Social Communications, English-language Synod spokesman for the Holy See and member of various academic institutional Boards. 
A few weeks later, after incredible international pressure and bad publicity, intervention by Cardinals of the Holy Catholic Church, letters and other pressures, he dropped the lawsuit saying, "it was never intended" and that the lawyer was working "pro-bono." 
This post shall remain through this front page link permanently as a matter of public record. 
The rest of this story can be read at the following links: 
My thanks to Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider. 
My thanks to Michael Voris 
Father Rosica's statement 
Support and commentary from other blogs and media 
Entire file:
And of course the video from Gary entitled BREAKING: Vatican Suing Bloggers?:

And the letter from the Lawyer:

Please check out the comments praising the bravery of Dave who is being sued and the comments condemning Fr. Rosica...


OK. apparently its wrong for a priest to shut the mouth of blowhard Dave Domet.

But then this takes place one year later Fr. Longenecker labeled Latin Mass Traditionalists as violent - yeah OK. So what! Thou shalt not kill was written in stone by the finger of God for a reason, because men are violent, and we still have to confess sins of anger in thought and words so they don't grow into violent deeds. All men are infected with the effects original sin and anger happens to one of the effects. It's not like attending Latin Mass is going rid you of anger and potential violence. There have been millions of anger Catholic men who committed violent acts these last two thousand fact. Peter took his sword and committed an violent now you're called violent? So what! I'm a man! 

Silly. Here is the complaint from Traditionalists who whined that Dave Domet was being sued by a Priest for what Dave wrote on his blog:
The Remnant Demands a Retraction from Fr. Longenecker 
“We should separate the paranoid hate mongers from the rest of the traditionalists. They are not traditionalists. They are Protestant fundamentalists wearing traditionalist Catholic clothes. I know about Protestant fundamentalism. I was raised and educated among Protestant fundamentalists. Among them were many good and sincere Christian people, but also among them, and driving their religion–was a certain type of religious person whose attitudes mirror exactly the Catholic fundamentalists on the rise today." (“Ten Traits of Catholic Fundamentalism”, by Fr. Dwight Longenecker,

(Ooo, scary! Sounds like something right out of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Intelligence Report”. Let’s do backflips now to show our jailors how anti-fundamentalist and reasonable we all are.)

With life in an increasingly Christophobic world going from bad to apocalyptic, one wonders what motivates a relatively orthodox Catholic priest to wake up one morning and say: Today I think I’ll launch an Internet attack against all the traditional Catholics in the world.

Traditional Catholics have their problems, to be sure, but is Father Longenecker aware that the next president of the United States may well be Hillary Clinton? Did he somehow miss the news that homosexual ‘marriage’ has become the law of the land? Didn’t he notice that priests in Philadelphia have been sexually abusing hundreds of children over the past couple of years, and that another massive scandal lawsuit is in the works?

Doesn’t’ Father realize that “fundamentalism” now includes those opposed to homosexual marriage and abortion, too?

As I read through his completely unprovoked attack against all of us, a couple of thoughts came to mind: Father Dwight Longenecker must have a lot of time on his hands, and Father Dwight might be a little obsessed with traditional Catholics.

He must have time on his hands, right? How would he know as much as he claims to know about these sick, angry, paranoid, violent, hateful traditionalists unless he had ample time on his hands to comb through the fever swamps in search of evidence? He evidently stumbled across a couple of wingnut websites and, based on that, launched his offensive against all traditional Catholics.

This is ridiculous. It would be like The Remnant deciding to cite Fathers Corapi and Francis Mary Stone as Exhibit A and B of everything wrong with the neo-Catholic establishment, based on the following syllogism: Fathers Corapi and Stone are neo-Catholic priests; these two priests were exposed as womanizers; therefore all neo-Catholic priests are womanizers.

Huh? His logic (or lack thereof) suggests that Father Longenecker may be a little obsessed with traditionalists. But why? According to his online bio, Father enjoys watching movies, riding his motorcycle, hanging out with his wife and four children (Father is a former Anglican married priest) and walking his Labradors and a cat named James. He seems to enjoy quite a full life. So why would he be obsessed with us?

Perhaps Father has a guilty conscience? A priest who decides to sit on his hands and offer nary a word of warning to his sheep during this turbulent reign of Pope Francis may well wrestle with his conscience, I suppose. And maybe it’s just easier for Father to assassinate the character of those who are speaking out about the naked emperor, rather than confronting the problem head on. It’s a fun little strategy, I would imagine, if you’re smart enough to fool yourself that you occupy the high ground.

Perhaps Father’s superiors (or his wife, Alison) would take umbrage at him pointing out the obvious about this unconventional pope of ours who insists atheists go to heaven, Mary at the foot of the Cross felt the angel had lied to her, Jews don’t need to hear the Gospel, contraception to prevent the Zika virus is cool, and even popes need to chill out when it comes to gay priests. I don’t know what it is, but the main problem I have with Father Longenecker is his failure to be forthcoming about exactly who he’s targeting.

Instead, he just sort of lumbers out onto the World Wide Web and starts firing scud missiles in every direction and at all traditionalists—except for those few with whom he happens to agree... who must also remain nameless, of course. Yes, he says he’s on the side of the good traditionalists—evidently those who like Latin Masses, have no problem with the New Mass and can be counted on never to question anything Pope Francis says, no matter how offensive to pious ears it may seem.

All the other traditionalists, according to Father Dwight, are “fundamentalist, obnoxious and unlikeable people who get a sick thrill out of anticipating persecution.” (I wonder if my 7 children would agree that I’m obnoxious and unlikeable, and that I just can’t wait to see them all martyred. My little Sophia, for example, is just 6 years old and, according to Father Longenecker, I guess I get a “sick thrill out of anticipating her persecution!”)

Pardon me, but what exactly is this man’s problem!?

And of course Father kisses right up to the far-Left Southern Poverty Law Center when he writes that Catholic traditionalists are "tinged with anger” and “given enough rope will move from verbal violence to physical violence," since they are all, "paranoid hate mongers."

I kid you not! This judgmental priest actually went online and spewed this rot against Catholics he doesn’t know and doesn’t particularly like. No wonder anticlericalism is on the rise!

You like apples, Father? Well how about these apples: Your cool little goatee and carefully shaved head lead me to conclude that you are ready to move from Catholic priest to satanic priest, following after your hero, Anton Szandor LaVey. And on what evidence do I base this? Why the goatee and the shaved head, of course. Isn’t it obvious where Father Dwight is heading? To the Church of Satan, of course!

Does Father believe such calumny is the sort of thing in which Catholics are free to engage whenever they get really mad at somebody on the Internet? No? Then why did he just calumniate a couple of million traditional Catholics as “paranoid hatemongers” ready to turn violent? What was he thinking, and when is he going to issue his public apology?

Think of how Father Longenecker’s words fanned the flames for the Catholic-bashing Chirstophobes on the far-Left—folks who are out there every day trying to make the case that pro-life, pro-family, and pro-tradition Catholics are dangerous hate-mongers who need to be on every government watch list from now on. Now these same radical Leftists can point to Father Longenecker and say: “See, even their own priests are trying to warn the world that these haters must be stopped before they turn violent.”

For a Catholic priest to make such wild, unfounded and inflammatory statements is unconscionable. And yet this is the extent to which neo-Catholics are evidently willing to go in order to silence traditional Catholics.

Hardly the patient approach one would expect from a Catholic priest trying to reach souls traumatized by an endless series of priest/sex scandals in the Church today. Where’s the compassion these same neo-Catholics insist on trotting out when it comes to dialogue with homosexuals, Protestants, the Orthodox, atheists, etc.?

“Rack him", snarled Sir Richard Rich to Cromwell as he threw Thomas More under the horses hooves in a boot-licking attempt to curry favor with the enemies of the Church in 16th century England.

"Arrest them," implies Father Longenecker, “for sooner or later these traditional Catholics will resort to violence anyway.”

Since he names none of us, he is obviously accusing all of us. Father tells us he won't name names because he doesn’t wish to "wallow in the sewage", and so his readers are left to come to their own conclusions as to which of us he is referring. All traditionalists? Some? A few? Most? Many? Who knows! Father doesn’t say. He is non-discriminating in his calumny, which he attempts to justify on the basis that traditionalists "have no true repentance in their hearts, anyway, and are driven by the worse kind of pride: spiritual pride".

How does he know that? Has he interviewed them all? Has he heard their confessions? And, by the way, who is he to judge?

According to Father Dwight, traditionalists know better than the pope, which makes them no better than Protestant fundamentalists. (I guess ecumenism has its limits after all.) Traditionalists also think they are “the Remnant [Gee, I wonder why Father capitalizes that word] of faithful ones who remain,” and their response to his completely unproved attack will be to "retreat further into their self-made holy fortress and throw stones over the parapet at me—not addressing my point, but resorting to name calling".

We’re the ones given to calling names? The irony of this silly attempt to preempt any legitimate defense against his petulant attack is evidently lost on the guy who just penned an entire blog post calling fellow Catholics “paranoid, fundamentalist, hate mongers, conspiracy theorists with a persecution complex, who are angry and self-righteous, and given to violence.”

Thank goodness, Father Longenecker isn't into name-calling. That would be really bad!

As the walking wounded of what's left of the Catholic Church must now endure the homosexualization of their priesthood, the protestantization (‘trivialization’ was the word Pope Benedict used) of their liturgy, the “silent apostasy”, the falling away from the faith of their children, and the bizarre spectacle of a pontificate that has clearly gone off the rails—it’s Father Dwight to the rescue in a rather desperate effort to demonize those with whom he disagrees while, at the same time, demonstrating to the powers that be just how thoroughly he can be counted on to carry their water for as long and as far as they wish.

As soon as he’s through anathematizing the scattered sheep, perhaps Father Longenecker will be good enough to issue a retraction of his libelous claim that we are about to “move from verbal violence to physical violence.” Surely in the present climate, where domestic terrorism is a top priority for law enforcement everywhere, Father can see how his words could so easily be used against good Catholics around the world, threatening their priests, children and homeschools.

Whether or not he’s referring directly to The Remnant in his attack, in the name of traditional Catholics everywhere we demand a retraction from Father Dwight Longenecker.
Please check out the comments praising the leadership of Matt.


And then this a couple of days later:
Has Father Longenecker Retracted Yet? 
The bottom line on the recent dustup over Father Dwight Longenecker's attack on traditional Catholics was summed up in this exchange here on The Remnant's site yesterday:

Steve Stewart
I'm going to go way out on a limb and post without anonymity. Father Longenecker is a good priest and a good man. His opinions are fallible but he's done me a great service as a priest in the confessional. I disagree with him on matters theological and ecclesiastical but he is still a priest of God Most High and I don't doubt his sincerity or his intentions. Our responses should be better than a wave of hysteria that will only confirm him in his opinion. He's wrong about trads, I am one and he knows it and he's treated my trad sensibilities with the utmost of consideration. 
Michael J. Matt
Steve: Father needs to retract. And if he's half the priest you say he is, he will know that he must retract. Here's why: There is absolutely no reason for anyone anywhere to jump to the outrageous conclusion that, given enough rope, traditional Catholics (even the nutty ones) will resort to physical violence. This is calumny, pure and simple. It's wrong on so many levels... but coming from a Catholic priest it is dangerous and scandalous. Through guilt by association, it also naturally runs the calculated risk of dragging the whole movement into the fever swamps of domestic terrorism where the Southern Poverty Law Center and other far-Left groups have been trying to confine traditional Catholics for years. Here's where Father's article enters into the realm of the indefensible, regardless of how good he is in the confessional. There is no excuse for this--none at all--and he's too intelligent to have failed to anticipate the fallout. This was either malicious or incredibly stupid. I prefer to presume it was a stupid mistake on his part. So, all Father needs to do now is publicly retract and I will pull this article down. MJM 
Steve Stewart
Well it appears he's just doubled down on his blog, I don't know what to think. 
Michael J. Matt
Of course he has.
Please view the comments praising Traditionalist Matt and the comments demanding the Fr. Longenecker retract his comments from his blog!


And finally this:
Father Longenecker Retracts 

I have received a letter from Christopher A. Ferrara–an attorney for The Remnant which says: "Accordingly, I hereby demand that within five days of the date of this letter you publish on your website, with as much prominence as the original article, your full and unequivocal retraction of the statements 'given enough rope they will move from verbal violence to physical violence' and 'given enough rope they will move from verbal violence to personal violence' as they apply to the Remnant its Editor and his associates." In compliance with Mr Ferrara’s request I retract fully, unequivocally and completely any statement or suggestion that Mr Matt, The Remnant staff, readers and associates might tend towards violence of any kind, nor would they ever threaten anybody." - Fr. Dwight Longenecker, March 31, 2016 
Readers may recall Fr. Dwight Longenecker’s unprovoked attack on traditional Catholics last month in an article entitled “Ten Traits of Catholic Fundamentalism” ( In the wake of that article, The Remnant issued a demand for public retraction from Fr. Longenecker.

On March 12, one of Father Longenecker’s parishioners, Steve Stewart, sent The Remnant a brief and respectful word of defense, not of his pastor’s attack on traditional Catholics, but rather of Longenecker as confessor.

Since my reply to Mr. Stewart sets the context for this exchange, I repost it here:

"Steve: Father needs to retract. And if he's half the priest you say he is, he will know that he must retract. Here's why: There is absolutely no reason for anyone anywhere to jump to the outrageous conclusion that given enough rope, traditional Catholics (even the nutty ones) will resort to physical violence. This is calumny, pure and simple. It's wrong on so many levels—but coming from a Catholic priest it is dangerous and scandalous. Through guilt by association, it also naturally runs the calculated risk of dragging the whole traditionalist movement into the fever swamps of domestic terrorism where the Southern Poverty Law Center and other far-Left groups have been maliciously trying to confine traditional Catholics for years. Here's where Father's article enters into the realm of the indefensible, regardless of how good he is in the confessional. There is no excuse for this—none at all—and he's too intelligent to have failed to anticipate the fallout. This was either malicious or incredibly stupid. I prefer to presume it was a stupid mistake on his part. So, all Father needs to do now is publicly retract and I will pull this articledown. MJM"

With no word of that retraction having surfaced in the days that followed, The Remnant’s Chris Ferrara, a member of the South Carolina bar, sent a formal demand for the same, citing South Carolina law on libel. 
We are pleased to announce that Father Longenecker complied with The Remnant’s demand for retraction three days later. On March 31, 2016, he posted the following on his blogsite at

I have received a letter from Christopher A. Ferrara–an attorney for The Remnant which says: 
"Accordingly, I hereby demand that within five days of the date of this letter you publish on your website, with as much prominence as the original article, your full and unequivocal retraction of the statements 'given enough rope they will move from verbal violence to physical violence' and 'given enough rope they will move from verbal violence to personal violence' as they apply to the Remnant its Editor and his associates."
In compliance with Mr Ferrara’s request I retract fully, unequivocally and completely any statement or suggestion that Mr Matt, The Remnant staff, readers and associates might tend towards violence of any kind, nor would they ever threaten anybody. As far as The Remnant is concerned this matter is now closed.

As The Remnant remains committed to the defense of traditional Catholics unjustly accused, we pledge to use our resources to expose slander and false accusations whenever and wherever they surface. And if public retractions and/or corrections cannot be obtained through the usual channels, we will make recourse to the legal option to ensure that Traditional Catholics are not maligned, calumniated or slandered as would-be hate criminals by any critic in any quarter.

Turning the other cheek does not mean that faithful Catholics must allow their very lives (and those of their families) to be in any sense threatened by the reckless antics of any and all Internet critics. As we see it, especially given the violent attacks on pro-tradition Christian groups, such as the office invasion of the Family Research Council by a gunman—this is a matter both of self-defense and natural justice, and thereby abundantly supported by Catholic moral theology.

The Remnant will not be intimidated and it will not back down when it comes to immoral and illegal slander leveled against us, either directly or by extension.

For the Record 
Though we anticipate that Father Longenecker—a Catholic priest—will have the integrity to stand by his word (as posted on his own site and later confirmed in his telephone call to Christopher Ferrara on March 31) in the matter of his retraction, we would like the record to show exactly what Father posted on his site on March 31, 2016. See Fr. Longenecker’s retraction HERE 
Whatever edits or changes that may occur to this retraction in the days that follow are on Father’s conscience and are of no concern to us.
Lesson learned?

It's OK for Latin Mass attending Lay Catholics

1. To attack a Priest on a blog

2. Its wrong for the Priest to defend himself with lawyers (that's called censorship or something)

3. Its wrong for Priest to call laymen names (Laymen are sensitive and have to raise families)

4. Its OK to sue Priests who attack laymen with names! (Catholic Laymen have a right to a good name!)
