STEVE SKOJEC Of One Peter Five Admits To Tickling The Itching Ears Of 70,000 Traditionalists With Secret Fatima Telephone Calls With Fr. Dollinger on the FEAST OF PENTECOST!
On The Phone With Fr. Dollinger
For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears 2 Timothy 4:3Here we go again:
On Sunday afternoon, we published a report about Cardinal Ratzinger’s alleged admission that there is more to the Third Secret of Fatima than was revealed by the Church in 2000. Since that time, the post has been viewed nearly 70,000 times by visitors from around the globe — a testament to the relevance of this topic 1P5A testament to the relevance of this topic?
No, it is a testament to the fact that those who attend the Latin Mass are not immune from have have itching ears.
Here is the Fatima fantasy:
Today, on the Feast of Pentecost, I called Fr. Ingo Dollinger, a German priest and former professor of theology in Brasil, who is now quite elderly and physically weak. He has been a personal friend of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI for many years. Father Dollinger unexpectedly confirmed over the phone the following facts:
Not long after the June 2000 publication of the Third Secret of Fatima by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger told Fr. Dollinger during an in-person conversation that there is still a part of the Third Secret that they have not published! “There is more than what we published,” Ratzinger said. He also told Dollinger that the published part of the Secret is authentic and that the unpublished part of the Secret speaks about “a bad council and a bad Mass” that was to come in the near future.
Father Dollinger gave me permission to publish these facts on this High Feast of the Holy Ghost and he gave me his blessing. 1P5Bad council & bad mass? This is what the 70,000 Latin Mass Attending Catholics meditated on during Pentecost?
I guess some who attend Latin Mass and reject Vatican II must have scruples about attending Latin Mass & rejecting Vatican II, that is why they cling to the words of some old priest uttered in telephone conversation on the FEAST OF PENTECOST!
Why do Traditionalist ruin the FEAST OF PENTECOST for themselves and read speculative garbage?
Shouldn't the lot of you reflect on what took place on the FEAST OF PENTECOST instead of involving yourself with mere speculation on a matter that can not be verified by proper authority?
The Holy Ghost didn't make a phone call....
"I guess some who attend Latin Mass and reject Vatican II must have scruples about attending Latin Mass & rejecting Vatican II, that is why they cling to the words of some old priest uttered in telephone conversation on the FEAST OF PENTECOST!
ReplyDeleteWhy do Traditionalist ruin the FEAST OF PENTECOST for themselves and read speculative garbage?
Shouldn't the lot of you reflect on what took place on the FEAST OF PENTECOST instead of involving yourself with mere speculation on a matter that can not be verified by proper authority?"
This is why you can't stop blogging.
"I guess some who attend Latin Mass and reject Vatican II must have scruples about attending Latin Mass & rejecting Vatican II, that is why they cling to the words of some old priest uttered in telephone conversation on the FEAST OF PENTECOST!
ReplyDeleteWhy do Traditionalist ruin the FEAST OF PENTECOST for themselves and read speculative garbage?
Shouldn't the lot of you reflect on what took place on the FEAST OF PENTECOST instead of involving yourself with mere speculation on a matter that can not be verified by proper authority?"
This is why you can't stop blogging.