Shill For Democracy Michael Matt Goes Off The Deep End With Brexit Popular Vote - God Be Praised! What?

Michael Matt is a shill for modern democracy. His obsession with democracy has apparently rotted his brain. Maybe Matt was in a rush to publish something on temporal issues, with  the latest on Brexit, instead of publishing his usual stuff on priestly matters. Matt doesn't think things through, for if he did, then he would know that Brexit was brought about by popular vote and anything thing brought about by popular vote is never Catholic.

Here is Matt on the Brexit vote:
George Soros and his World Without Borders pals must be fit to be tied just now, as is, I'm sure, our own Holy Father. And while this may turn out to be but a speed bump in the advance of the New World Order cabal, it should nevertheless give each and every one of us cause for hope and the confidence to fight on, to never surrender, and to acknowledge that even as there is nothing but chaos in hell so too we should expect little more than chaos from the forces of hell running around loose from Brussels to Washington, D.C. This vote in the UK proves that the 'baddies' are far from invincible. Next up to send the EU packing? France, of course. This is a great day, and certainly cause for concern for the Hillary Clinton Tales From the Cypt Club. Regular folks on both sides of the Atlantic, it would appear, have finally had enough, God be praised! Matt 
God be praised! What? Are you out of your mind?

Like God had anything to do with a majority voting for Brexit!

Hey! Matt! in democracy, power comes from the people, not from God. So, no, God not be praised, its more like, people be praised!

You're a damn fool.

And another thing, do you not realize that the EU was created by men who were elected into office by the people?

You damn idiot.

Democracy gave you the EU! Democracy now gives you Brexit...

Can't you understand this?

Matt is gonna eat these words: "Liberty at last!!!"

The comments of all the pro-democracy brain dead followers of Matt are just as absurd.

If the Imperial Electors came together for a vote to elect the next Holy Roman Emperor - Matt and his crazed followers would strongly object, and do their best to hinder the Electors from casting a ballot for the next Holy Roman Emperor.

As a matter of fact most of them would willingly murder any man elected as Holy Roman Emperor...and maybe that's what's in the Fatima Secret......
