$20,000 Go Fund Me Page To Promote Our Lady of La Salette And Her Message Of Reconciliation?

Paul Anthony Melanson of the La Salette Journey is raising money to spread the message of La Salette. Not the terrifying stuff, just the nice stuff on Reconciliation:
I am raising money to promote Our Lady of La Salette and her message of reconciliation. Monies will be used to promote the La Salette message and to encourage reparation for offenses against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our Lady of La Salette Help spread the word!
The Go Fund me page is asking for $20,000.

Now I don't particularly care for this blog, seeing that Mr. Melanson spreads dis-information on the Message  of La Salette. many of you don't care. But this is important. What does Melanson do? He skips over this part of the message:
"A forerunner of the Antichrist, with his troops drawn from many nations, will wage war against the true Christ, sole Savior of the world; he will shed much blood and will seek to annihilate the cult of God so as to be regarded as a god." Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)
He deliberately ignores the fore-runner to the Antichrist and jumps right into the actual Antichrist that will appear at the end of days.

Why does Melanson ignore the fore-runner? Well, because like most traditionalist they will find themselves on the side of the forerunner - especially on political views - nationalism.

I do believe the forerunner is alive today and is probably a trad blogger:

1. Gary Voris
2. Steve Skojec

The above two are good candidates to fill the shoes of the fore-runner. I'm sure men like Melanson have a natural affinity for the two above.

So its best to ignore what's coming at hand (especially if you're on the wrong side of history) and instead focus on something that's not even on the horizon. I guess some people take comfort in being blindsided.

As for Reconciliation let me clue you in on the obvious.

Ask yourself what will make a man most assuredly reconcile himself to God?

1. Good Times
2. Bad Times

Yea. You know the answer.

That's right the best way for a sinner to convert is through misfortune. If you say the contrary - then you're an idiot.

So when men speak of Reconciliation using the message of La Salette, they do not mean the bad stuff in the message - most men think of some fluffy nice things. This is not the case - you want to see men reconcile themselves to God? Well wait for the Divine punishments that are about to fall on men.

Punishments promised in the La Salette message will make men reconcile themselves to God, not some blogger asking $20,000 to spread the message of reconciliation.
