Here's Matt
And our priests? Poor emasculated fellows, can you imagine them summoning the intestinal fortitude to thunder anathemas at anyone for any reason at any time? With a few notable and God-sent exceptions, I can’t. So many of them with their namby-pamby National-Public-Radio voices (and politics), as well as an apparent phobia of saying anything that actually matters to real people living in the real world; so many of them—I’m sorry!—really know how to put the homo in homily.
For most of them there apparently just isn’t enough time for all that God-bothering, baby-defending, alfa male sermonizing when what the “Catholic Christian community” really wants to hear is the stuff about “stewardship” and “encounter” and “mission” and “j-oi” and “accompaniment” and “koinania” and “fellowship”—you know, the totally awesome (albeit totally vapid) Newspeak of NuChurch which can mean, well, pretty much whatever the heck you want it to mean.
Here's the problem with the Catholic vote: Catholics aren't Catholic anymore, and they vote accordingly. The Mass (and thus the Priesthood) has been totally emasculated… and the sheep have scattered and completely lost the sensus catholicus as a result
Go ahead Matt become a priest so you can show the rest how to think, act, and behave as a real priest should!
I understand that the next Synod will be on MARRIED PRIESTS!
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