See What Happens When Children Are Not Taught To Pray The Little Office Of The Blessed Virgin Eight Times A Day.......Pray Like A Muslim Instead......
The photo dates from 30 October 2014. Show girls and boys of primary school Vinkenbuurt, native Dutch blond lying prostrate to pray to Allah in Ghulzar-e-Madina mosque in Zwolle, the capital of the province of Overijssel, in the east-central area of ‘Holland. Vladtepes
Eight times a day a Catholic prays the little office of the Blessed Virgin Mary:
- Matins (12:00 AM)
- Lauds (3:00 AM)
- Prime (6:00 AM)
- Terce (9:00 AM)
- Sext (12:00 PM)
- None (3:00 PM)
- Vespers (6:00 PM)
- Compline (9:00 PM)
Muslims (only the males) as everyone knows pray only five times a day (pray to whom?):
- The Dawn Prayer (Fajr in Arabic) given in 11:114, 24:58
- The Noon Prayer (Zuher in Arabic) , given in 17:78 and 30:18
- The Afternoon Prayer (Asr in Arabic), given in 2:238
- The sunset Prayer (Maghrib in Arabic), given in 11:114
- The Night Prayer (Isha in Arabic), given in 24:58
So you Catholics please say your prayers - say the little office of the Blessed Virgin Mary - if you can. Don't let those Muslims out pray Catholics. Now I am not saying that Muslims are praying to God - on the contrary they are not praying to God but to Satan himself. Muslims reject the Blessed Trinity and therefore they reject God. Muhammad was a false and lying prophet influenced by Satan. Dante Alighieri rightly placed Muhammad in the pit of hell:
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