Found it disturbing and frustrating that Traditionalist bloggers are always trying to be the first to BREAK the news on what the Pope or Churchmen have supposedly done or said. The worse the BREAKING NEWS - the better - more hits etc.....
Yesterdays locutionists, false visionaries & seers are today's BREAKING NEWS specialists!
Steve Skojec uses this strategy - he posted some of his prophesies but then pulled the post because he sounded ridiculous and has decided on a different strategy to bring in more followers - to be a BREAKER of NEWS - to be the first one. Because if you're the first on the blog to report on the doings of the Pope then every other blogger has to quote you!
So instead of making up ridiculous prophecies why not just be a BREAKER of NEWS?
Specially if you don't have a job and you wife works - you can stay home all day waiting for news to break & then tweet away!
Here is the latest BREAKING NEWS on the Pope from 1P5
Father Pio Vito Pinto Redoubles His Rebuke of the Four CardinalsOld Breaking News:
BREAKING: Archbishop Cupich Attempting to Facilitate Sacrilegious Communion
BREAKING: Fr. Lombardi and Pope Francis Speak Out on Scalfarigate!Better than FAKE prophecies!
Another BREAKING NEWS Specialists is Vox Cantoris:
BREAKING and EXPLOSIVE: Bergoglio ignores plea of Cardinals - they have now literally put him on public trial!You get the picture - its no longer I have visions listen to me, no, its BREAKING NEWS follow me!
I promise never to use BREAKING or BREAKING NEWS ever again!
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