American Catholic Blog: President Trump Hit A Home Run With His Choice Of An EPISCOPALIAN Gorsuch!


Lay Catholics are now OK with Protestantism?
President Trump hit a homerun with his choice of Neil Gorsuch, currently an appellate judge on the US Tenth Circuit. Universally recognized as brilliant, he writes in a clear and concise manner that makes his decisions understandable by laymen who have not wasted three years of their life in law school. Currently 49 years old, when he was appointed by President Bush to the 10th Circuit he was approved by the Senate unanimously. He is an originalist who believes that the text of the Constitution must be interpreted as the words were commonly understood at the time the portions of the Constitution were adopted. He is noted as a friend of religious liberty and, in his extra-judicial writings, as a defender of innocent human life. American Catholic More>>>>>>

So its OK for Catholic laymen to embrace Protestantism.

But its wrong when Catholic prelates do it?


What is The American Catholic? 

The American Catholic is an online community of Christians, motivated by a rich heritage of Catholic spiritual and intellectual tradition, seeking to engage American society and culture in pursuit of the common good. Following the Second Vatican Council’s ecclesial call for greater Christian witness in contemporary society, we are dedicated to the renewal and “Christian animation of the temporal order.” We are all deeply inspired by our Catholic faith and seek authentic sacramental lives centered upon the “broken bread” of the Eucharist, the source and summit of the Christian life. We acknowledge that the common term for our Sacred Liturgy—Mass—has a very subtle but profound implication for how we live our lives. The term “Mass” is derived from the Latin term missa (“dismissal”), which is used in the concluding formula of Mass in Latin: Ite, missa est (“Go, it is the dismissal”). In the Christian tradition, the word “dismissal” has come to imply “mission” (cf. Mt 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations”). As practicing Roman Catholics, we enter a church for the exact same reason we leave it: the never-ending quest for holiness. Source
