This poor soul left his home and forgot his BOB and now look at the sorry state he is in....
Every once in a while I post about BOBs, “bug out bags”. It’s time again. All who reads this blog have different circumstances. However, disasters can strike any where. Don’t deceive yourselves that it can’t happen to you. It always happens to someone else… until it’s your turn. Surprise!
Ask people from Joplin, MO what can happen.
Fires, flood, earthquakes, angry ex-boyfriends or husbands, storms… there are various reasons why one might need to bug out, and fast.
You should have a plan. Plan where you will go. Have an emergency bag packed and easily accessible. Keep it stocked and fresh. Go through it periodically so that you know what is in it and you know how to use everything in it. If you have a family or others who depend on you, work through the plan with them and even walk through it: where to meet, how to get home, how to get out of your home, where to go for safety in your home, etc.
Friends, you simply must make plans along these lines, especially if you are responsible for the well-being of others. You need a PLAN. That plan and its preparation should include drinkable water, food, proper clothing, transportation and a place to go. Don’t forget your meds, comms and self-defense. A good medical kit is a must.
Depending on where you live, some of you will need more gear for being out in the elements. Some of you will need more urban stuff. There are some pre-assembled bags available, such as this one. I’m not saying “get this”. It is an example: HERE
Could you stop what you are doing, NOW!, grab a bag, and leave? FAST!
I’ll bet quite a few of you readers have made at least basic preparations. You may have “go bags” or “get home bags” or “bug out bags”.
It would be interesting to hear what you have done for BOBs or even your everyday carry items. Others could benefit from ideas. Fr. Z's Blog
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