Rad Trad Fr. John Zuhlsdorf & His Followers Think Martin Luther's Version Of The OUR FATHER Is FANTASTIC!!

The First Lady's Prayer at the 18 Feb 2017 Florida Trump Rally

  • FANTASTIC! We need must more of this! (88%, 2,650 Votes)
  • Pretty good, alright I guess. (7%, 220 Votes)
  • Ho hum. It isn't that big a deal. (2%, 71 Votes)
  • Meh, I didn't care for it much. (2%, 53 Votes)
  • HORRID! There is no place for this! (1%, 33 Votes)
Another reason why I hate Rad Trads.

I don't know what happened to the Latin Mass Crowd - maybe they have always been this way? or maybe they have been infiltrated by stupidity and evilness

This is 2017 and RAD TRADS have been blogging against Pope Francis who has been celebrating 500th Anniversary Of Protestant Reformation.

You do remember those RAD TRAD blog posts against the Pope & against 500th Anniversary Of Protestant Reformation.

You do remember right?

Again....You do remember right?

Well apparently the demented and brainwashed followers of Fr. John Zuhlsdorf  have forgotten all about those blog posts against the Pope & against the 500th Anniversary Of Protestant Reformation, because 88% of Fr. Z's followers think that Martin Luther's version of the Our Father is FANTASTIC!

Why do they think its FANTASTIC?

Well because the wife of a PROTESTANT POLITICIAN recited Luther's version  during a rally.

Now to prove that I am justified in calling the RAD TRAD movement foolish and evil, I just ask one question:

What would the above RAD TRADS say if Pope Francis publicly recited the Martin Luther's Version of the Our Father?


Answer that.

RAD TRAD Double Standards.

What's condemned in the Clergy is allowed for the Laity.

No one in their right mind who faithfully attends the Latin Mass should ever call himself a Traditionalist.
