Fr. Z Wages Harassing Email & Phone Campaign To Shoot Down Homosexualist Priest Activist As A Speaker..........

Should a seminary headline a homosexualist activist as a speaker?

I’ve been made aware that Theological College in Washington DC, for their “Alumni Days” coming up in October, is scheduled to have homosexualist activist Jesuit Fr. James Martin as their speaker. HERE Theological College is the National Seminary of Catholic University of America. Does it seem right to you that a seminary should spotlight an open promotor of a homosexualist agenda?I’ll grant you that a speaker might be capable of addressing more issues than just his primary focus. But there is no way around the fact that, right now at least, when Fr. Martin’s name comes up, the first thing you think is activist for a homosexualist agenda. I don’t get it. If I were a bishop or an alumnus of Theological College, I’d have some questions. What message are they trying to send? What are they promoting by this move? What are they teaching those seminarians? Source
