War Declared On Christmas: Hillary Clinton 'Resistmas' Tree Angel!

I'm sure the pagans don't understand that Christmas is Christ + Mass.

Celebrate ‘Resistmas’ this year with these badass women on top of your Christmas tree

Could you imagine a more fitting angel for your Christmas tree than Beyonce-perfection-Knowles? She’s an actual angel in human form. As is Serena. Michelle Obama. Oprah. And you can have them all decorating your festive fur, because nonprofit organisation Women To Look Up To has made a load of 3D figurines of inspiring women. ‘Every Christmas we place a ‘Topper’ […] made of no more than plastic and glitter on top of trees,’ they say. ‘For many, she has lost her meaning, which is why Women To Look Up To have created a range of modern female role models to place on top instead.’ Source
