Another Damn PETITION! A World-Wide Petition to the Bishops: We Ask for Kneelers for the Faithful Who Want to Receive Communion Kneeling

Conferences today...petitions tomorrow....rumors now if the other two don't work....

Enough already with the damn petitions.....

From One Peter Five...

Today we want to relaunch an initiative which seems to us both legitimate and desirable, at a moment in which the sense of the sacred is being continually eroded, also within the Church, by other concerns and priorities, often linked to passing fashions. We reprint here a letter which the ex-Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, Cardinal Canizares, now Archbishop of Valencia, sent to his priests in January, which may be found at Nuova Bussola Quotidiana. Source

Signing petitions give one a sense of doing something....its like voting...its a substitute for doing penance, good works and know...the hard stuff Catholics are called to do in order to save their souls.
