Ann Barnhardt Goes Nuts! Claims Pope Francis Is The False Prophet + Forerunner of the Antichrist + Antipope
Ann pounded this out on the keyboard before Maundy Thursday Mass:
Likely False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist and Antipope Denies Hell (again), Christ’s Divinity (again) and God’s Love For Humanity (again)… Just in Time for the Triduum!
Antipope Bergoglio has denied the existence of hell and preached the lie of soul annihilation before today. But consider the spite that he has to have for Jesus Christ and His Holy Church to make sure that this latest salvo gets published just as the Triduum begins. Top headline on Drudge for HOURS.
Folks, it really is important to understand that when I say how truly malignant and spiteful these people are, and desperately try to inform as many people as I can that these people LITERALLY HATE GOD, and thus are in a state of WAR AGAINST HIM AND HIS HOLY CHURCH, AND THUS EVERY HUMAN BEING BY EXTENSION, I’m not engaging in hyperbole. I’m dead, dead serious.
The next thing to remember in all of this is that Antipope Bergoglio is not an Antipope because he is an arch-heretic. Antipope Bergoglio is not now and never has been the Pope because of Pope Benedict XVI’s INVALID RESIGNATION, made in the SUBSTANTIALLY ERRONEOUS belief that Pope Benedict could fundamentally transform the papacy by bifurcating and expanding the Petrine Office into a “synodal, collegial” office, containing both “active” and “contemplative” participants. Wrong. And thus per Canon 188, Pope Benedict never ceased being the Pope, BY THE LAW ITSELF, and is the one and only living Pope to this day.
Antipope Bergoglio’s heresy is a CONFIRMING DATASET, but it is NOT germane to the question of Pope Benedict’s invalid attempted abdication, which predated the Bergoglian Antipapacy by fully two weeks. ANTIPOPE BERGOGLIO CAN’T BE DEPOSED, BECAUSE HE DOES NOT OCCUPY THE PETRINE SEE. Only a person who is validly occupying a given office can be deposed from said office. They only path forward IN TRUTH is that Antipope Bergoglio be PUBLICLY ACKNOWLEDGED AS AN ANTIPOPE, AND SENT PACKING ACCORDINGLY. If this is done while Pope Benedict XVI is still living, NO CONCLAVE CAN BE CALLED, BECAUSE IF POPE BENEDICT IS ALIVE, AND HAS NOT VALIDLY RESIGNED, THEN THE SEE IS OCCUPIED, AND IT IS THEREFORE ONTOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO ELECT A POPE – ONLY ANOTHER ANTIPOPE.
Next, given that we know that Antipope Bergoglio is an Antipope and arch-heretic, and also doing pretty much everything one could expect the Anti-John the Baptist, aka False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, to do, what we should do is take his vile heresy and actually use it as a point of departure for examining ourselves. In particular, we need to all do some serious soul-searching on the question of if WE believe in hell. Do we secretly harbor in the deep, or even not-so-deep corners of our minds the belief that the worst that can possibly happen to anyone is “lights out”? Do we not realize that these whispers and assumptions of soul annihilation are the Serpent in the Garden whispering, “No, you shall not die the death….” Do we deny the existence of hell in order to acquire or maintain HUMAN RESPECT? Do we stay silent on hell in order to maintain earthly relationships and avoid all possibility of “uncomfortable conversations”?
Further, the existence of hell and eternal damnation is a proofset of God’s love and RESPECT for us. If God didn’t really love us, if He didn’t respect us AS RATIONAL INTELLECTS that are free to choose our actions, then soul annihilation is EXACTLY what He would do. The fact is that the “god” Antipope Bergoglio is describing is a being DEVOID OF LOVE, who has less than zero respect for humanity. Antipope Bergoglio is trying to convince the world that satan is God, and that satan in his “mercy” will just snuff you out of existence if “things don’t work out”. No harm, no foul.
If God just started snuffing beings out of existence when they made a choice that wasn’t in accord with His will, wouldn’t that cheapen all life and existence to the point of meaninglessness? Wouldn’t all rational beings just be mere object-playthings at that point? Yep.
Love means putting up with the periodic insufferable behavior of the beloved. Most ESPECIALLY for God. The corollary to this is the following fact: No matter what you do, you will always, always, always exist. God loved you into existence, and loves you because you exist, and will never stop loving you, and will never, ever snuff you out of existence, no matter what. If you reject Him, that is your free choice, but understand, you will continue to exist FOREVER after you have rejected God. Every one of us will exist and exist forever – either in Heaven (inside of the Trinity, the Beatific Vision), or completely cut off from Him. F.O.R.E.V.E.R. That’s hell. There is no “snuffed out of existence feeling neither happiness nor pain” option. So disabuse yourself of that lie right now.
Finally, remember that Antipope Bergoglio’s denials of hell are also by ONE LOGICAL STEP a denial of the Divinity of Christ. Our Lord spoke early and often of hell and eternal damnation in the Gospels. If there is no hell, then Christ was either mistaken or a liar. Either way, according to Antipope Bergoglio, Jesus Christ is NOT God. And thus, if Jesus is not God, then we are not saved, and The Church is an ontological joke and needs to be removed from the face of the earth. Or, perhaps REPLACED…. After all, it would be a shame to not keep all of that real estate, fundraising capability and political power under one roof.
Then there's this on Good Friday that poor Ann has to endure.....
The Great Intercessions
Let us pray for our most holy Father Pope FRANCIS, that our Lord and God, Who chose him to the order of the Episcopate, may keep him in health and safety for His holy Church to govern the holy people of God.
P. Let us pray.
D. Let us kneel.
R. Arise.
Almighty and everlasting God, by Whose judgement all things are established, mercifully regard our prayers, and in Thy goodness preserve the Bishop chosen for us: that the Christian people who are ruled by Thine authority, may under so great a Pontiff, be increased in the merits of faith. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
R. Amen.
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