Pope Francis Defrocks Nine RAD TRAD Monks In Ukraine For Unapproved Exorcisms And Following Prophetess Sister Maria Baran

Sister Mary Baran, "hears the voice" of God the Father, the God of the Son, the God of the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin and separate saints.......

Reuters Bishop of Rome Francis approved the decrees on the defrocking of nine Ukrainian monks for the exorcism as the official website of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) reported. 'The people started to talk about Sister Maria Baran from the monastery in Velyki Borky in 2004. She seemed to hear the voice of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Sacred Virgin Mary, and some saints. Some of the messages were written down by Father Planchak. The priest confirmed their veracity and origin from God but did not have the authorities for this as the Synod of UGCC officially claimed', the message said. During the searches at the monasteries in Kolodiivka and Velyki Borky, the violations of the monastic discipline and prayers of exorcism without the particular permissions were spotted. 'The priest, who wants to do this, should get the special permit, blessing from the local bishop. But they did not heed to the comments', Teodor Martynyuk, the bishop-assistant of Ternopil-Zborowski archdiocese claimed after the checks in 2017. Source
