Evil Portent For Intercommunion: Pelicans Crash Pepperdine Graduation Ceremony

There is talk of the allowing Communion for Heretics:

‘you’re likely to see Communion for Protestants introduced globally, through the backdoor of the German bishops’ conference.’” Source

Pepperdine University is affiliated with the Churches of Christ - meaning - it is a school built by Heretics.

Heretics who hate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. 

Heretics who hate the Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.

Heretics who were harassed by the Roman Catholic Symbol of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass this Saturday:

Notice how these Heretics treat the Pelicans - these Heretics will do the same to the Eucharist if given the opportunity.

The Pelican is a symbol of the atonement and the Redeemer and is often found in Christian murals, frescos, paintings and stained glass. The pelican was believed to wound itself in order to feed its young with its own blood. In the hymn "Adoro Te," St. Thomas Aquinas addresses the Savior with, "Pelican of Mercy, cleanse me in Thy Precious Blood."  Source
