Proof That Sacrilegious Communion Is Punished: Roman Catholic Designer Kate Spade Commits Suicide By Hanging

Another example that unworthily reception of communion is punished - usually with death.

This Catholic went the way of Judas - suicide by hanging.

How many Sacrilegious Communions did Kate Spade commit?

Kate Spade's Sacrilegious Communions lead her out of the Church to embrace a worldly life of Atheism filled with depression.

Kate lived with boyfriend Andy Spade for 3 years before marriage in 1994. Was this a Catholic Marriage?

Had one child together.

Will most likely have a Catholic Funeral.

Again Judas was not hindered from receiving the Body of Christ - a few hours after his Sacrilegious Communion he was dead.

No need to get bent out of shape if non-Catholics or Catholics in a irregular marriage receive the body of Christ - These poor souls will eventually be punished for their Sacrilege.
