Rachel Maddow Has No Problem Ripping Babies From Their Wombs But Breaks Down In Tears Delivering News of Migrant Babies Being Detained

Rachel Maddow has no problem in separating 57 million babies from their womb:

Abortion practitioners across the country are responsible for nearly 57 million abortions. They kill unborn babies on a daily basis, kill and injure women in failed abortions, and leave women, men, and families dealing with devastating mental health and spiritual issues as a result. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow’s Show Calls Abortion Practitioners Heroes 

Maddow calls abortion doctors - Heroes....

But breaks down in tears over immigrant babies......

Rachel Maddow breaks down in tears while reporting news that immigrant babies are being held in 'tender age' shelters after being forcibly separated from their parents at the border 

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow broke down in tears on-air while reporting breaking news that the Trump administration has been operating 'tender age' shelters for immigrant babies and toddlers forcibly separated from their parents. Maddow teared up on Tuesday night near the end of her program as she read a report from the Associated Press that revealed young children were being held in three facilities in Texas. She repeatedly tried to read a description of the shelters but was forced to abruptly end her show minutes earlier then planned. Soruce

Maddow is insane.
