RAD TRAD NATIONALIST HERO: Lega Nord's Apostate Catholic Matteo Salvini Divorced Fabrizia Ieluzzi In 2010 - His Domestic Partners Giulia Martinelli & Elisa Isoardi
The man who has declared war on Rome and the Pope is Lega Nord's Apostate Catholic Matteo Salvini.
Nationalist Matteo hates:
- Rome
- The Pope
Probably hates the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Catholic Faith - since he never attends Mass & no longer practices the Catholic Faith.
He was married for seven years to Fabrizia Ieluzzi.....looks like she got knocked up before the wedding....
Rad Trads love Amoris Laetitia as long as it applies only to their buddies - Trump, Gingrich, Reagan, Thatcher and now this moron....