Real Reason Why RAD TRADS WILLFULLY Hinder The Restoration Of All Things In Christ.....O Lord, Do Thou Preserve Our Republic....What?

Real Reason Why RAD TRADS WILLFULLY hinder the restoration of all things in Christ?

Their obsession with Modern Democracy and their love of the ballot box.

A writer for the Pro-Democracy Remnant Newspaper Claudio Salvucci posted on Liturgical Arts Journal:

Apparently some democracy lovin' priests decided to pray for the Republic during the Mass:

The version of the prayer used by Catholics in the United States was as follows:

V. Domine, salvam fac rempublicam nostram.
R. Et exaudi nos in die in qua invocaverimus te.

V. O Lord, do Thou preserve our Republic.
R. And do Thou mercifully hear us in the day in which we call upon Thee. 

Why pray to preserve OUR Republic?

Well because....THEY HAVE NO EMPEROR.

Simple question for you just to point out how absurd it is for any Catholic Priest to pray for preservation of this Republic or any Republic is this:

How many ABORTIONS took place in the AMERICAN REPUBLIC?


So you want to pray for the preservation of the American Republic - the same man-made Republic that murdered over 50 million of its own potential citizens.

Oh I'm sure that during the same Latin Mass that you pray for the Preservation of the American Republic you pray for the end of Abortion.

I've been told that as a Catholic I'm suppose to help fellow Catholics and to be kind and gentle to them in my words etc...

Please if you can't see the insanity of praying for the continuation of a man-made political system that created and enforced evil laws allowing for the MURDER of 50 MILLION of its own potential citizens then you're ignorant...willfully so.

Oh I guess I didn't listen to the advice to be kind and gentle in my words to fellow Catholics....

Just another observation that just because you sit in a Latin Mass Pew doesn't mean that your'e not an  IDIOT.....

Never trust a ballot casting Latin Mass Layman to tell you about the Kingship of Christ.
