How Many Days In APRIL 2019 Before There Is A Need To Pray JESUS PSALTER? 21 DAYS! MUSLIMS Murder 300 Catholics On Easter Sunday In Sri Lanka

How many days in APRIL 2019 before there is a need to pray the JESUS PSALTER for all those coming NATURAL AND MAN-MADE DISASTERS AND MUSLIM TERROR ATTACKS IN USA & in the rest of the World?

If you feel the need to make reparation when disaster strikes please Pray the JESUS PSALTER found here

Call this a new post - call it a reminder - I will make a post weekly if necessary.....

Third Event this month calling for the reparation of sins against the HOLY NAME

How important is public devotion to the HOLY NAME?

Outside of the visible sacrifice offered to God there was the practice of calling upon the HOLY NAME of GOD:

But to Seth also was born a son, whom he called Enos; this man began to call upon the name of the Lord. Gn.4.

Enos was one of the first to publicly call upon the HOLY NAME of GOD - the Church Fathers say that this devotion was a public devotion - so many souls participated with Enos in calling upon the HOLY NAME of God.

Law of Nature had two major works dedicated to God:

1 Visible Sacrifice
2. Calling upon the Holy Name

Today we still have the Visible and Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

But we do not have a public reparation to the Holy Name of Jesus.

So use this JESUS PSALTER - pray it.

Sri Lanka attacks: 'International network' linked to bombings

A wave of bombings that killed 290 people in Sri Lanka on Sunday was carried out with the support of an international network, officials said.  The government has blamed a little-known local jihadist group, National Thowheed Jamath, although no-one has yet admitted carrying out the bombings.  Another 500 people were injured in the suicide attacks on churches and hotels.  Police arrested 24 people in a series of raids and the president's office declared a state of national emergency.  The emergency declaration, which comes into effect from midnight (18:30 GMT) on Monday, will give police and military extensive powers to detain and interrogate suspects without court orders. On Monday, another blast rocked a street near a church in the capital, Colombo. Police were attempting to defuse explosives in a vehicle used by the attackers when it blew up. It is not yet known if anyone was hurt.  Sri Lankan authorities were warned about a bomb threat from National Thowheed Jamath a full two weeks before the attacks, cabinet spokesman Rajitha Senaratne said at a press conference.  He said that the warnings were not passed on to the Prime Minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe, or his cabinet. Mr Wickremesinghe acknowledged that security services had been "aware of information" but had not acted on the information. Source
