Archbishop Of Lima Mons. Carlos Castillo Mattasoglio: Jesus Died As A layman And Without Sacrificing

Archbishop of Lima: Jesus died as a layman and without sacrificing

In a statement contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church, the Archbishop of Lima (Peru), Mons. Carlos Castillo Mattasoglio, said that Jesus Christ died as "a lay person" and did so without making a "sacrifice." "And Jesus does not die making a holocaust sacrifice, Jesus dies as a murdered layman, whom He decides not to respond with vengeance and who accepts the cross to give us a sign of life," said the Peruvian Prelate at the Mass he presided over on Sunday 19 December at the Cathedral of Lima. "And he dies as a lay person who gives hope to humanity, he dies as a human being like all of you who are present here, we too, because we cannot be priests without first being baptized lay people," he said. Bishop Castillo also said that “laity comes from Laos, which means people. And God has wanted to sanctify his people, and if we are here it is to serve them ”. The Archbishop recalled that God had promised Israel that from his people "a scion would come out that would be the Savior." “The poor of Israel, those who do not count, had it very much to heart, while the priests, they felt they were the keepers of the promise, and 'knight then', they were not the ones who were going to represent salvation, but a layman, a layman like the kings who were laymen, from the tribe of Judah, ”he continued. “I also say that for our fellow priests present here. 

We are servants of the People of God, so that from you emerges who is the hope, just as Jesus is the hope ”, said Bishop Castillo. What the Archbishop of Lima said about Jesus "layman" who dies without "sacrifice" is contrary to Catholic doctrine. Catholic doctrine is contained in the Catechism of the Church published in 1992 during the pontificate of Pope Saint John Paul II. Number 1545 of the Catechism, referring to the sacrament of Holy Orders, indicates that “the redemptive sacrifice of Christ is unique, performed once and for all. And for this reason he makes himself present in the Eucharistic sacrifice of the Church ”. "The same happens with the unique priesthood of Christ: it is made present by the ministerial priesthood without thereby breaking the uniqueness of the priesthood of Christ," adds the text. The same numeral recalls what was said by Saint Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church, in his commentary on the Letter to the Hebrews, when he affirms: “And therefore only Christ is the true priest; the rest are his ministers ”. A Doctor of the Church is that saint who, because of his erudition and importance, is an important teacher of the faith for the Catholic faithful of all times. The numeral 1546 indicates that Christ is "Priest, Prophet and King". Numeral 1548 establishes that "in the ecclesial service of the ordained minister it is Christ himself who is present to his Church as Head of his body, Shepherd of his flock, High Priest of the redemptive sacrifice, Teacher of Truth." Source
