
POPE FRANCIS Invites Faithful To Pray Rosary In October AS TSUNAMI Hits PALU Killing THOUSANDS! Pope Should Be RESTORING The LITURGY! God Is Taking Vengeance For The Irreverence & Impiety Of NEW MASS Unless The Mass Is Restored To Its Former Glory There Will Be More Death and Destruction

The NEW MASS (Ordinary Form) CAUSED The DEATH Of 400 By TSUNAMI & EARTHQUAKE In Palu, on Sulawesi island, Indonesia

Convert Ann Barnhardt Sends Out Her Convert RAD TRAD Foot Soldiers To Harass Catholic Priests On The Streets Of El Paso......

Family Of NAKED Jehovah's Witnesses Who Kidnapped Their Neighbors Were Trying To Flee To Safety Because They Thought The Apocalypse Was Coming

The Heresy Of Father Paul Kalchik....

Brett Kavanaugh’s Powerful Opening Statement

A Priest In Hiding? Fr. Kalchik Has Been Spotted In Thailand.......

ARGENTINA: Pot Smoking RAD TRADS Attack New Mass Saying Priest Father Juan Pablo NĂºĂ±ez.....

In Wake Of The Judge Kavanaugh Hearings....ALL WOMEN Running For Office Or Political Appoints Should DISCLOSE ALL ABORTIONS THAT THEY HAVE HAD......

RAD TRAD FAIL! #StopTheSynod2018......SIX DAYS TO DOOM!

Will Pope Francis Be The First Pope To Die In A Plane Crash? Leaves Tallinn For Rome

JEW Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro Fanning Flames Of Contempt For The Catholic Church

Letter From Cardinal Blase J. Cupich To The Parishioners And Staff Of Resurrection Parish On The Removal Of Fr. Kalchik

Why RAD TRADS Are Such PUSSIES: You Are Blocked From Following @RorateCaeli And Viewing @RorateCaeli's Tweets........

How Many GUNS Was Fr. John Zuhlsdorf Hiding Under His Vestments While Saying Mass Up On The Altar Celebrating The Feast Of Martyred St Matthew? LOL!

Just Days Before The Feast Day Of Our Lady of La Salette: 8-Foot Flames Shoot Out Of Arkansas Hole.......

Catholic Priest Fr. Louis Odudu Dies Four Days After Escaping From Kidnappers On The Feast Day Of Our Lady of La Salette!

RAD TRAD GAMER Michael Aliperti, 45, Was Arrested For Threatening To Shoot An 11-Year-Old Boy After The Boy Beat Him At The Video Game FORTNITE....

Nicaragua: Masked Men Brutally Attack Priest Fr. Abelardo Toval Ayesta Of Saint John The Baptist Of Sutiaba Parish

French Priest Jean-Baptiste Sebe Murdered In Saint-Jean XXIII Church After Being Accused Of Molesting An Adult Woman

Catholic Priest Attacked In Southern Philippines

Niger Says Italian Priest Rev. Pierluigi Maccalli Kidnapped Near Burkina Faso Border

Trinidad: 'We Will Cut Off Your Feet' - Catholic Priest Attacked, Robbed